Dwolla integration
Secure, ready-to-use payment tool that simplify how you send or receive money from anyone in the U.S.
Say goodbye to plastic cards, ATM fees, hidden charges and fine print. Dwolla empowers anyone with an internet connection to safely send money to friends or businesses.
The integration with Dwolla is similar to integration with PayPal (using callback URL). There are two main ways of using Dwolla – payment buttons and off-site gateway.
How to integrate PostAffiliatePro with Dwolla
Payment buttons
Integration with payment buttons is really easy. The only need is to enable and use ‘data-redirect’ parameter. When creating a button, there is an option to set a Redirect URL. Use it to redirect customers to a PHP thank you page. As we will need to process transactions details, it must be PHP (or ASP) based.
When your thank you page is ready, place this code to it, to a part which handles output code (HTML):
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
sale.setTotalCost('<?php $_REQUEST['amount']; ?>');
sale.setOrderID('<?php $_REQUEST['transaction']; ?>');
sale.setProductID('<?php $_REQUEST['orderId']; ?>');
sale.setData1('<?php $_REQUEST['checkoutId']; ?>');
This is all. Save your changes and your site is integrated now.
Off-site gateway
In this case, you can rely on redirect URL again, with the same params. If you do not want to rely on it you can use ‘callback’ parameter.
There are two steps to be taken. The first one is to activate the Dwolla plugin in your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel.
The second step is to add this code to your Off-site payment form:
<input id="callback" name="callback" type="hidden" value="//URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/plugins/Dwolla/dwolla.php" />
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
PostAffTracker.writeCookieToCustomField('callback', '', 'pap_custom');
The code goes directly to the payment form code. As you can see the callback field contains an URL pointing to your Dwolla plugin within Post Affiliate Pro. In case you already use ‘callback‘ field to point to a different URL, continue to the next step.
Off-site gateway with callback URL already used
In case your callback URL is already used for a third party application, you can use the same code from the previous step, just do not use the callback field, simply keep the original one.
To make it communicate with Post Affiliate Pro you will have to add this code to your custom callback script:
/* Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
$ch = curl_init();
$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/plugins/Dwolla/dwolla.php?pap_custom=".$_GET['pap_custom']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $input);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json','Content-Length: '.strlen($input)));
/* /Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
This code will simply resend all the received data from Dwolla to your Post Affiliate Pro plugin for Dwolla. Make sure it is active.
Do not forget to integrate your website with the click tracking code to make it all working.

What is Dwolla?
Dwolla is a modern payment platform providing businesses with an API to access US payment networks, focusing on account-to-account payments. It streamlines payment operations, reduces processing costs, and enhances security for industries such as insurance, lending, real estate, healthcare, and manufacturing. Offering real-time payments and digital wallet functionality, Dwolla’s API is flexible and scalable, designed for businesses of all sizes. It allows easy integration into applications with customizable options, making it a versatile tool for various business needs.
The History of Dwolla
Founded in 2008 by Ben Milne and Shane Neuerburg in Iowa, Dwolla launched in 2010 as a peer-to-peer digital wallet startup. It evolved into a platform facilitating billions in payments annually. Transitioning to a B2B SaaS model in 2016, Dwolla introduced features like real-time payments and Same Day ACH. The company has partnered with government departments and continuously enhanced security measures, cementing its position in the payment processing industry.
Dwolla’s Target Market and Focus
Dwolla targets businesses and fintech companies needing efficient and secure payment solutions. By improving settlement times, cash flow, and customer experiences, Dwolla is ideal for businesses aiming to streamline payment processes. Its services are particularly beneficial for industries that require rapid and secure transactions, such as insurance, lending, real estate, healthcare, and manufacturing.
Main Features of Dwolla
Dwolla offers a robust set of features designed to optimize payment operations:
- Transaction Exports: Access and export detailed transaction data for analysis and reporting.
- 1099-K Form Retrieval: Simplify tax reporting with easy retrieval of necessary forms.
- Facilitator Fee on Transfers: Manage and apply facilitator fees during fund transfers.
- Dwolla Connect API: Integrate payment capabilities seamlessly with your existing systems.
- Enhanced Dashboard Reporting: Gain insights with advanced reporting tools.
- Unified Dashboard: Manage all payment activities from a single, user-friendly interface.
- Secure Exchange Solution: Ensure transactions are protected with top-tier security measures.
- Webhook Simulator: Test and debug webhook integrations efficiently.
- Instant Account Verification: Verify accounts quickly to expedite transactions.
Dwolla’s Pricing Options
Dwolla offers tailored pricing solutions based on custom integration needs. By contacting their payment experts, businesses can receive personalized plans featuring competitive usage-based pricing and volume discounts. This approach ensures that clients only pay for what they need, making Dwolla a cost-effective solution for various business sizes.
User Insights on Dwolla
Users have highlighted Dwolla as a reliable platform for ACH payments, praising its integration capabilities and excellent APIs. The customer support is noted for its responsiveness and helpfulness. While specific cons were not detailed in the available reviews, the overall satisfaction among users is high, indicating that Dwolla effectively meets their payment processing needs.
YouTube Reviews of Dwolla
For a deeper understanding of Dwolla’s functionalities and user experiences, the following YouTube reviews provide valuable insights:
- Dwolla Review 2023: Is It The Right Payment Solution For You?
Watch here
Examines Dwolla’s features and potential drawbacks. - Dwolla in 2023: What You Need to Know
Watch here
Explores the latest updates and functionalities.
Alternatives to Dwolla
While Dwolla offers extensive features, businesses may also consider the following alternatives:
- Moov
- Aeropay
- Stripe
- AppBrilliance
- Method Financial
- Buckzy
- Banked
- Token.io
- Fidel API
Each alternative has unique offerings that may suit different business requirements, making it important to evaluate them based on specific needs.
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