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Learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer with Aaron Chen's tips. Avoid low-converting methods and use a value series to build relationships, boosting conversion rates from 1% to over 15%. Join his online workshop for more insights.
In the digital age, affiliate marketing stands as one of the most accessible pathways to generating income online. However, without the right approach, it can quickly become a frustrating experience. Aaron Chen, an experienced affiliate marketer, shares his transformative journey from barely making ends meet to closing over a thousand sales in his business. This insight provides invaluable guidance for anyone looking to succeed in affiliate marketing.
Many aspiring affiliate marketers fall into the trap of the traditional method, which Aaron refers to as the "bad way." This involves selecting a product from platforms like ClickBank or JVZoo and driving traffic directly to an affiliate offer through a capture or squeeze page. While this method is straightforward, it often yields conversion rates of less than 1%, making it an unsustainable model that can lead to financial loss. Aaron's own experience with this approach left him nearly broke after seven years.
The turning point in Aaron’s affiliate marketing career came with the adoption of what he calls the "good method" or the profitable strategy. This method revolutionizes the standard approach by incorporating a value series within the sales funnel. Here's how it works:
Traffic Generation: Just like the traditional method, traffic is directed to a landing page where visitors are prompted to provide their email addresses.
Building Relationships: The collected emails are fed into an autoresponder system that sends out a series of follow-up messages, nurturing a relationship with potential customers.
Value Series: The crucial addition is the "value series," consisting of a sequence of educational and engaging videos. These videos introduce Aaron, share his personal journey, and discuss how the featured affiliate product solved his challenges, thereby adding credibility and trust.
Pre-Framing: This series pre-frames the audience, preparing them psychologically to receive the affiliate offer. By the time they reach the final video, they are well-informed and eager to see the solution offered.
By implementing this method, Aaron was able to boost his conversion rates to around 15%, a significant leap from the traditional method's dismal performance. This strategy not only increased his profitability but also established a solid foundation for long-term success in affiliate marketing.
What is the main difference between the traditional and the good method in affiliate marketing?
The traditional method drives traffic directly to a sales page, resulting in low conversion rates. The good method enhances this process by incorporating a value series, which builds trust and pre-frames the audience, leading to higher conversion rates.
How does the value series improve conversion rates?
The value series builds a relationship with potential customers by providing valuable content and establishing trust before presenting the affiliate offer, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Can I use the good method with any affiliate product?
Yes, the good method is versatile and can be applied to any affiliate product, provided you can create valuable content that resonates with your target audience.
How can I get started with the good method?
Begin by selecting a product you believe in, create a landing page to collect emails, and develop a series of videos that offer genuine value while subtly introducing the product. Use an autoresponder to manage follow-ups and nurture relationships with your audience.
For those ready to transform their affiliate marketing strategies, Aaron Chen's insights offer a clear path from struggling marketer to successful entrepreneur. Implementing the good method could be the key to unlocking your potential in affiliate marketing.
hey this is Aaron Chen how're you doing.
now if you're watching this video rightnow then you're probably doing some.
research on YouTube on how to make moneyas an affiliate marketer. This is the best affiliate marketing training 2017 you will find, okay so you're probably online right now you're doingsome searching and you're trying to.
figure out you know how do these peopleactually generate income through.
affiliate marketing right well obviouslyyou know what affiliate marketing is and.
I can tell you that you know you're inthe right place because it is one of the.
best ways and the easiest ways togenerate income online when you're first.
starting out okay this is what I startedseven years ago but the thing that a lot.
of people don't tell you is that it canactually be very very complicated if you.
don't know what you're doing okay soI've been struggling online for the last.
well I've been online for eight years Istruggle for the first seven okay over.
the last year I've actually generatedover a thousand sales inside of my.
business right and if you want to checkthat out you can click on the link right.
below where I actually show you in oneof my online web classes okay but I want.
to show you something very very coolokay so this is basically there are two.
models basically on how to generate agood income through affiliate marketing.
right the first way is what most peopledo I would say 99. 5% of people online do.
this it's called the I call it the badway right this is just basically if you.
want to go broke this is the actualstructure to do it so what most people.
are doing is they will find some sort ofoffer on one of those big affiliate.
websites like jvzoo or Clickbank rightyou just go there you can sign up for an.
account for free you pick a product andit could be any product this could be a.
product on facebook marketing YouTubemarketing dog training you know cooking.
class whatever you want to sell okay toa particular audience then what people.
will do is they drive traffic oreyeballs right you know you can use solo.
ads or Facebook or SEO Google whateverdrive traffic towards what's called a.
capture page or a landing page or somepeople call it a squeeze page okay you.
asked for someone email address and oncethey enter the email address you lead.
them directly to your affiliate offerright now if you do it this way.
it probably converts at 1% or less okaywhere's my pen okay this is probably.
less than I would say 1% it's prettyit's pretty bad okay so if you want to.
go broke I would do it this way now Idid this way for seven years and I.
basically burned through all of mysavings.
okay nearly went broke had to get a jobagain it was pretty horrible.
okay and it wasn't until about a yearago believe it or not that I learnt this.
method I call this the good method okaythe good message and the bad method.
right but this is basically theprofitable method okay this is extremely.
profitable so if you want to learn howto do this properly if you want to learn.
how to do affiliate marketing properly Iwould highly recommend this method.
basically what you do is exactly thesame right at the front okay right there.
so all this here you drive trafficdirectly to your own landing page or.
capture page you ask for an emailaddress and this goes into your.
autoresponder which follows up withpeople automatically builds a.
relationship with them but the mostimportant thing is this part here okay I.
call this a value series okay now avalue series is basically it's a series.
of websites that you have and usuallyyou would have some sort of video here.
playing right and you basicallyintroduce yourself you tell your story.
you talk a little bit about the problemsthat you've had that this product here.
the affiliate product that you're tryingto sell help you to solve okay and then.
what you also do is that's definitevideo one right now in video two three.
and four you basically add lots of valueokay you tell them some tips and tricks.
on how they can solve this particularproblem that you're trying to help them.
to solve right and what happens over thenext four days is you build a.
relationship with your prospect onlineokay you're using your story and your.
background and your influence andpersuasion to persuade them to buy the.
affiliate offer now when they're readyin their prime okay because what you're.
doing is you're basically pre framingthem before they actually see the.
infinite offer okay by the time they hitvideo four okay most of the time it.
happens before but by the time they hitvideo four they are ready and waiting.
they're begging you to show them thissolution okay and once you once they're.
ready you show them that solution andthis can potentially close your.
prospects at about fifteen percent ifyou do this right okay so imagine that.
when you're doing it the wrong way thebad way you're converting at one percent.
if you're doing it the right wayyou can convert at 15% or more okay so I.
really love this stuff because I wasbasically failing for you know seven.
years okay out of the eight years thatI've been online and I didn't learn this.
stuff until like about a year ago andwhen I finally did that it made some.
incredible changes in my business okayso I hope you enjoyed that information I.
hope you take that you know if you'rejust starting out and you're trying to.
do affiliate marketing go ahead andcheck out one of those sites like.
Clickbank or JV zoo but what I recommendto is take this information that you.
learned in this video use it in your ownbusiness but if you want as well if you.
click on the link right below this videoit's going to take you to one of my.
online webinars which I hold all weekright it's basically an online workshop.
I show you exactly how I structure mysales funnel exactly like that that you.
just saw right there okay I show you mypre-frame video I show you the steps.
that I take to that I implement in myfunnel and exactly what I did to.
generate over 1,000 sales in my onlinebusiness okay and if you want to take.
that information and use it for yourselfthen you know feel free to do that so. I hope you learned how to make money as an affiliate marketer. This is Aaron Chen's affiliate marketing training 2017. If you want to check that out I lookforward to seeing you on that online.
training and I wish you all the best inyour online endeavors.
take care.
How to become an affiliate marketer
Discover how to become a successful affiliate marketer with our comprehensive guide. Learn essential strategies, from building a personal brand and creating quality content, to choosing the right niche and products. Unlock the lucrative potential of affiliate marketing and boost your income today!
How to start affiliate program
Discover how to start a successful affiliate marketing program with Post Affiliate Pro's step-by-step guide. Learn how to choose a profitable niche, select the right platform, and create engaging content to build your audience. Perfect for beginners, this guide emphasizes the importance of dedication and patience in the journey to affiliate marketing success. Watch now to unlock your potential and grow your online business!
How Affiliate Marketing Works [Explained]
Discover how affiliate marketing can boost your income in 2023 with Post Affiliate Pro's detailed video guide. Learn the strategies to earn commissions by promoting products through reviews, and leverage buyer intent keywords to attract potential customers. Perfect for anyone looking to understand the workings of affiliate marketing and maximize their earning potential.
Explore the three main types of affiliate marketing—unattached, related, and involved—each offering unique benefits and challenges. Discover which approach suits your business best and learn how to leverage these strategies for higher rewards. Watch our video for insights and start optimizing your affiliate marketing efforts today!
Affiliate Marketing on Facebook
Discover how to make money on Facebook with affiliate marketing in 2023. Learn essential steps to get started, create engaging content, and track your performance for passive income success. Join thousands leveraging social media's power. Subscribe now for the latest updates!
How to Succeed with Affiliate Marketing
Discover the secrets to thriving in affiliate marketing with our expert video guide! Learn essential tips on building trust, addressing audience needs, and effectively promoting Amazon products. Elevate your affiliate strategy by prioritizing honesty and creating unique content that stands out. Watch now to transform your affiliate marketing success!
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