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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to
europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.
And every single time that you send that.
search term into the negative keywordsof your campaigns, it re-optimises the.
algorithm, and essentially tells Googledon't show me for this, but show.
me for the other things that I'mcontinuing to get traffic for. This is the last step to this whole.
equation. It's like managing anegative keyword specifically with the.
search terms. So as you start tosee these different terms, this is where.
it gets really interesting. You got totake the terms that are not relevant,.
specifically to what you're actuallygetting triggered for because there's gonna.
be some not as relevant stuffthat's gonna get triggered, and.
every single time that you send thatsearch term into the negative keywords.
of your campaigns, it re-optimises thealgorithm and essentially tells Google.
don't show me for this, but showme for the other things that I'm.
continuing to get traffic for. And every keyword that you turn.
into a negative keyword, like I justmentioned it re-optimises everything,.
specifically for your campaigns, andallows that Google to specifically focus.
on what's working. So how you getthere is again, you click on keywords.
specifically in that campaign, you clickon negative keywords. So let's.
just say hypothetically, you have anelectronics consumer store.
Specifically for this, I have negativekeywords like LG and Panasonic.
because, guess what, even when I have anelectronics consumer store, I don't run.
traffic for products for LG and Panasonic. If I did, I would get triggered for those.
keywords and I'm gonna have to pay for that. So immediately I tell Google as soon as.
the campaigns fire up,don't show me for any of this stuff.
because I'm not relevant. So that itkeeps them focused on the things that's.
actually gonna make me money. Here's the thing about the keywords when.
you're converting them into negativekeywords. There's different types that.
you can set up for the keywords. There'sa broad match, there's broad match with.
modifier. Here's the scoop. I use twotypes. I don't get fancy with it. As you.
guys stick around me more andmore, obviously it seems like a lot.
of this might be a little complicated,but please just keep it simple. I use two.
two types. Exact match and phrase match. So what the heck does that mean?.
Again, I'm not gonna goover all this up here. Take a screenshot,.
but essentially when you start to seethe search terms and again, we're.
only going to use two types, you have tothink to yourself, am I gonna make this.
an exact match or phrase match?Exact match means you tell Google,.
don't show me for this exact phrasebecause it's not converting and you're.
seeing traffic for it. So here'sthe scoop, if you have for example,.
an electric fireplace website and younotice that you start getting triggered.
for the actual phrase, "best electricfireplaces for 2019". Does that mean.
you'll never sell an electric fireplace?Because that phrase isn't converting.
No, it doesn't. It just means that thatphrase is not converting. It does not.
mean all the products on your websitewill not convert. So what we do is.
we just put brackets around that phrasewhen we submit it as a negative keyword,.
and we say hey Google, don't show me forthis phrase but show me for everything.
else that I'm getting traffic for. Then the other option is phrase.
match. So same concept, you'relooking inside your search terms,.
you're seeing all the traffic and stuffthat you're actually getting, and you're.
like, oh you know what, that brand that Ihave, Dimplex, they're just doing terrible.
I just don't want any traffic forthem. So here's the scoop. Whatever.
you put in quotations when you submit itas a negative keyword, Google's.
gonna take any phrase, keyword, oranything that's relevant to what's in.
that quotations, and it's never going todisplay you for that specifically in.
that campaign. So you can immediately getout of seeing traffic for any different.
specific type of keywords, phrases, orthings that you notice isn't relevant to.
your actual store. So here's anexample. This is inside a campaign.
with a store that's running traffic forgenerators. So the first phrase.
match, "1,000 Coleman Generator". We putthat as a phrase match because Coleman.
generators are actually selling prettywell, but whenever someone puts in.
the 1,000 without the watt, I don'tknow, maybe was a little disconnect with.
those people, it's kind of weird, theywouldn't buy anything. So we said.
just don't show us for anyone that putsin those three specific keywords when.
they actually search on the SearchNetwork, and then to the.
second example, that's an exact match. It says "1,000 watt brushless generator".
Does that mean that our brushlessgenerators aren't converting? It just.
means for the traffic when people put inthat phrase, they just would not buy.
anything. We've seen a lot of clicks forit, they didn't convert. I still want to.
run traffic for everything else that'sworking, so I just say hey Google, don't.
show me for that phrase keep runningtraffic for everything else.
So here's the results ofmanaging that entire process like we.
talked about in the beginning. Again,28% conversion rate, 500%, 700% and theseare on brand new campaigns that just.
launched and guess what, we just got tothe busiest part of the year.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday. Everybody else's CPAis going up, my CPA is going down.
And that's how I want you guys to bedoing as you start to launch to.
campaigns on the Shopping Network.
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